DolphinV4 API
Ultra Low Power

Ultra low power applications are intended to be used for HW modules powered by energy harvesting. In such application scenarios the HW module is most of the time off or in #DeepSleepMode or #FlywheelSleepMode. The radio module is switched on and off for a very short period of time. Typical ULP applications are energy autonomous sensors and actors. In ULP applications the scheduler is deactivated thus the application has full control over the CPU (no parallel task running).

To create an ultra low line powered application in DolphinV4 API Configurator select the Ultra Low Power application option.


Ultra Low Power Application

\note ULP application do not support telegram receiving (exception are applications that support Smart Acknowledge. See the Smart Acknowledge specification \ref References and \ref smack_reclaim receiving )

Typical example of ultra low powered applications:\n
\ref app_autarkicsens \n