
Eopx2.exe (EnOcean Programmer eXtended, V2) provides several functions for EO3100I programming. You can execute one function at time. Each function (operation) can be adjusted by its options.

If you do not want to use eopx2.exe directly you can configure Keil to call it automatically. For that purpose read Configure Keil.

Command line:
  Usage: eopx2.exe [OPERATON] [OPTIONS]
  -help - Display this help
  -scan - List available programmer devices
  -write - Write the program, configuration and information area
  -read - Read the whole program, configuration, information area
  -erase - Clears both the program and configuration area
  -blank - Checks whether the program and configuration area is blank
  -info - Display chip information
  -bist - Perform Build-In-Self-Test
  -reset - Reset chip
  -set_cpb - Set codeprotect bit
  -write_xram - Write and execute program from XRam
  -readlog - Read error log from program area
  -backup - Backup configuration area
  -restore - Restore configuration area from backup
  -script [file] - Execute postbuild script

  -port [id] - Select EnOcean programmer
  -nocheck - Skip Programmer Firmware update check
  -nocfgread - Skip reading configuration area before write
  -nobackup - Disable backup before write
  -nofracn - Skip Fracn correction check
  -noconform - Skip conformity check
  -noverify - Disable verify after write
  -noreset - Skip chip reset after operation
  -nobist - Disable BIST after write
  -nobeep - Disable warning beep after failure
  -showerr - Show error codes

  -fprg [filename.hex|bin|txt] - Program area file
  -fcfg [filename.hex|bin|txt] - Software configuration area file
  -fswi [filename.hex|bin|txt] - Software information area file
  -fmod [filename.hex|bin|txt] - Module configuration area file
  -finf [filename.hex|bin|txt] - Chip information area file

  eopx2.exe -write -fprg prgarea.hex -fcfg cfgarea.hex

Return value:
  0 - Success
  1 - Failed